10 Movies Actors Thought Would Suck (But Were Awesome)

5. Robert Carlyle Thought The Full Monty Was "A Load Of F**king Pish"

The Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger
Fox Searchlight

The Full Monty is such a cultural milestone of a movie, that it's difficult to consider that anyone involved with it genuinely had little faith in it whatsoever.

But that's exactly the case with lead actor Robert Carlyle, who in a 2017 interview with Graham Norton confessed what he really thought of the movie while making it - in a most dour Scottish turn of phrase, no less:

"I thought it was a load of f**king pish to be honest... The Full Monty was a tough shoot, it really was... It was so horrible that when the people, Fox Searchlight, who'd made it, they saw the first cut of this thing and went, 'Straight to video,' that's what they said. It was just very, very tough.

Carlyle added that the film was only granted a theatrical release after producer Uberto Pasolini begged Fox Searchlight to let him bring in another editor, Nick Moore, to whip the material into shape.

Moore did just that, and The Full Monty went on to gross an astonishing $258 million worldwide against a mere $3.5 million budget, while also receiving four Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and Best Director, and winning one for Best Original Score.

Not bad for a load of f**king pish, eh Robbie?


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.