10 Movies You Can't Stop Watching When They Come On TV

8. An Original Star Wars

We're not including the prequels in here because there's enough points where their ending seems so far off that you'd easily want to drop out. However, with the original Star Wars Trilogy, particularly The Empire Strikes Back, it's a very different story. The only narrative lull at any point in the trilogy is after Jabba's death in Return Of The Jedi; other than that the films move point five past lightspeed. Familiarity and quality are obviously at their most prominent here, but what really makes it so hard to stop watching Star Wars once you've joined an Episode part-way through is that there's just so many awesome moments. The films are so ingrained in popular culture that most scenes have some line that has been quoted endlessly, meaning you're never far off a moment of pure geek nirvana. Point of no return: Arriving at the Death Star, the Cloud City betrayal and Luke going to Vader respectively (although if we're being honest the first time you hear John Williams' soundtrack).

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.