10 Movies That Changed Your Mind About Actors You Loved

2. Halle Berry - Everything Post-Monster's Ball

The career of Halle Berry is a mighty strange one. Berry became the first ever African American female to win an Oscar for Best Actress at the Academy Awards for her remarkable performance in Monster's Ball. It was well-deserved, and rightly established her as a shining star of cinema. At this point, of course, the world was collectively waiting to see what this beautiful, talented woman was going to do next. It's safe to say that since winning her Oscar, though, Berry's career has imploded on itself... it almost feels like it was somebody else acting in Monster's Ball. Which is another way of saying that Berry seemed to put all her ability into that one role and hasn't bothered to show us anything worthwhile since - performances in Die Another Day, X-Men, Catwoman, Frank & Alice and Dark Tide are all either noticeably terrible, bland or downright awkward to watch. Given how everybody was raving about Berry when she won her Oscar, then, her filmography post-Monster's Ball has only gone to prove that maybe she's not quite as good an actress as everybody made out. She could have been one of the greats, and yet... nothin'.

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