10 Movies Coming Out YEARS After They Were Shot

6. The Toxic Avenger

Havoc Tom Hardy

A reimagining of the classic Troma splatter film The Toxic Avenger wrapped shooting in August 2021, with a stellar cast including Peter Dinklage (in the title role), Jacob Tremblay, Kevin Bacon, and Elijah Wood.

Despite the seemingly modest production, it was another two years before the film resurfaced, premiering at Fantastic Fest last September and playing a few other prominent genre festivals such as Beyond Fest and Sitges later that year. It was then expected that The Toxic Avenger would release sometime in early-to-mid 2024, and yet, almost a full year after its premiere, it's still without a release date.

Recent reports state that the film is stuck in release limbo due to Legendary Pictures insisting upon a theatrical release despite its paper-thin commercial prospects. The words "unreleasable" and "not safe enough to market" have been thrown around, while Dinklage himself recently said he has no idea if it will ever be released.

While The Toxic Avenger will surely end up releasing eventually, possibly on a streaming service like Shudder, it's clearly going to be a maddeningly long time after production packed up.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.