10 Movies Coming Out YEARS After They Were Shot

5. Avatar: Fire & Ash

Havoc Tom Hardy

The rolling production on James Cameron's Avatar sequels is one of the most ambitious and mind-boggling undertakings in Hollywood history. 

Cameron began shooting the second and third films, Avatar: The Way of Water and Avatar: Fire and Ash, consecutively in September 2017. Performance capture on both films was completed by November 2018, and live-action shooting for Fire and Ash was finished in December 2020 - an entire two years before The Way of Water itself was even released.

Additional reshoots were conducted in the summer of this year, bringing Avatar 3's entire filming cycle to a mind-boggling seven years. But given that it isn't scheduled to release until December 2025, that's a full production time of well over eight years.

And considering that a few select scenes for Avatar 4 were shot at the same time as the second and third films, and it's slated for a December 2029 release no less, its own production will extend past a full decade. Wild.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.