10 Movies Coming Out YEARS After They Were Shot

3. The Collected

Havoc Tom Hardy
LD Entertainment

When it comes to The Collected - the sequel to cult horror films The Collector and The Collection - we have to use the words "coming out" carefully. After all, it still hasn't finished principal photography almost five years after it began.

The threequel started shooting in September 2019, but after just eight days of filming, production was unexpectedly shut down. 

Two attempts to resume production failed, before director Marcus Dunstan claimed that the film's producers had cut contact with him, and because he doesn't own the rights to The Collector IP, he can't pursue other avenues to continue shooting.

Though it seemed like The Collected was dead for several years, back in July, Dunstan revealed that the film was finally "free" and he was planning to complete it in due course. Nothing's set in stone yet, but it seems like whatever legal and logistical hurdles were holding production up have now been resolved. Praise be.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.