10 Movies Coming Out YEARS After They Were Shot

4. The Unbreakable Boy

Havoc Tom Hardy

The Unbreakable Boy, adapted from the acclaimed novel of the same name by Scott Michael LeRette and Susy Flory, has had a rough go of it.

The family drama, about a boy with brittle bone disease and autism, wrapped shooting in late 2020, and despite being a fairly unassuming drama film from a production perspective, four years later it still hasn't come out.

After numerous delays, The Unbreakable Boy is currently pencilled in for a February 2025 bow, though considering it was originally set to drop in March 2022, is there any guarantee that date will stick either?

As with White Bird, Lionsgate's strategy is deeply odd here - making an adaptation of a hit novel whose production seemingly went smoothly, holding its release back for literally years, and then appearing to just dump it in cinemas with little fanfare.

Even if The Unbreakable Boy isn't a good film, the sheer brand identity of the novel could be enough to make it a modest success - at least if Lionsgate put any effort into marketing it.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.