10 Movies Everyone Remembers For ONE Awesome Scene

9. Airplane Rescue - Superman Returns

Taken Liam Neeson
Warner Bros.

Despite its terrific cast and solid director, Superman Returns was an oddly anodyne, low-energy superhero flick, which in its stead to deliver a loving homage to the Richard Donner/Christopher Reeve Superman era, was perhaps a little too sedate for its own good.

As fans continue to debate the merits of releasing a Superman movie where the Man of Steel (Brandon Routh) is effectively an absentee father - or if we want to be unkind, a deadbeat dad - there's really only one scene that practically everyone agrees is standout.

The scene in question is the airplane rescue set-piece, where Superman flies into action to prevent a plane containing Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth) and members of the press from plummeting into a packed baseball stadium.

It's a thrilling sequence which shows Superman at his most heroic, forced to deal with an urgent and intensely challenging situation even for him, and one which he uses all of his might to solve without any civilian casualties.

It's an incredible set-piece in search of a far more interesting movie surrounding it, and easily the early high-point of a film which never gets close to being this fun or exciting ever again.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.