10 Movies Everyone Remembers For ONE Awesome Scene

8. Lights Out - Equilibrium

Taken Liam Neeson

Equilibrium was one of the many sci-fi action films released in the shadow of The Matrix, and one which was ultimately a shameless grab-bag of countless other, better genre entries.

Wearing its Orwellian thematics on its sleeve while refusing to acknowledge how fundamentally goofy its "gun kata" action aesthetic was, the Christian Bale-starring genre film nevertheless got its single truly great scene out of the way early.

Gun-totting instrument of the state John Preston (Bale) struts his stuff in an opening raid sequence, where he leaps through a locked door as his squadmates shoot out the interior lights.

After a moment of pitch black, Preston unleashes the full force of his marksmanship on the assembled "criminals," mowing them down in sheer darkness - with occasional muzzle flashes - while receiving not a scratch himself.

It's a supremely badass scene, but the rest of the movie is really just a beige, over-familiar dystopian thriller that's so aggressively 2000s it hurts.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.