10 Movies Everyone Remembers For The Stupidest Reasons

1. Deep Impact - It's Not Armageddon

Superman The Movie Christopher Reeve
Paramount Pictures/DreamWorks Pictures

To be fair this phenomenon is true of pretty much any "Twin movie" - Antz and A Bug's Life, The Prestige and The Illusionist, Olympus Has Fallen and White House Down - but no one film has been quite hampered by coming out near to a movie with the same plot than Deep Impact.

In 2016, it's known almost entirely in reference to Armageddon, a similarly pitched movie about an asteroid tumbling towards Earth. Now the reason for this is partly because Deep Impact isn't all that great, but then neither is Armageddon. What that film had, however, was then up-and-coming action auteur (the 90s were a weird time) Michael Bay (Deep Impact had Mimi Leder), an all-star cast (complete with nonsensical justification for their inclusion.) and the balls to kill Bruce Willis a year before M. Night would.

In that regard, it's totally expected that, by sheer size Armageddon would be the bigger film, but Deep Impact still made $350 million at the box office (over $500 mil in modern money) and has enough dumb of its own to warrant a specific legacy.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to watch animated classic Shark Tale.

What other films are remembered for the stupidest of reasons? Share any we missed down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.