10 Movies Everyone Remembers For The Stupidest Reasons

2. Top Gun - The Homoeroticism

Superman The Movie Christopher Reeve
Paramount Pictures

One of Tarantino's most influential cinematic moments didn't come from him behind the camera, but a cameo in Sleep With Me, where he spends two minutes breaking down Top Gun and proclaiming it "one of the greatest f*cking scripts ever written in the history of Hollywood" for its subversive exploration of homosexuality. According to QT, Tony Scott's fighter pilot actioner is secretly all about repression and learning to embrace underlying urges for your wingman.

OK, so it's obvious not really possible to claim Top Gun doesn't have some strong homoerotic undertones - the volleyball scene is obvious, but there's an awful lot of buff men going topless and male bonding besides - but the intent certainly seems to be more on exploring the unique male friendship, rather than reading it sexually. It's a dissection of bromance before bromance was even a word.

Even if your take does go full-Tarantino, it's like any movie with subtext: it's a part, not the parcel. Top Gun is still an unabashed gung-ho action movie, an 80s' Cruise drama and laddy take on the air force, far more than a dated subversion.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.