10 Movies Everyone Remembers For The Stupidest Reasons

7. The Revenant - Leo's Oscar

Superman The Movie Christopher Reeve
201th Century Fox

Whereas in years gone by a single movie could enthral the world for months, slowly building a more and more staggering box office and irreversibly changing pop culture, nowadays everything feels a lot more fleeting. Movies hit, a successful one sticks around a few weeks, but then everyone moves on with their lives. Even critically lauded awards hits suffer this fate.

Just look at The Revenant, which at the time seemed to be the best thing since sliced bread (a bit of a misnomer as, in the period accurate film, that wouldn't have existed); just eight months on and it's that movie Leo finally won his Oscar for (and some people are so weaned on the originating memes they don't even realise).

It was somewhat inevitable: Leonardo DiCaprio's repeated snubbing had long since transitioned from grumble to massive online joke (even if, being rational, there's few movies that tick enough boxes on his filmography) and thus whatever movie sealed the deal would be unfairly overshadowed. It's just crazy how quickly The Revenant un-revenanted.

OK, so some people like to wax lyrical about the exclusively on location shooting technique and barerapegate (although seeing the movie really should put that to bed), but it's Leo's grunting Oscar gold that dominates.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.