10 Movies Everyone Remembers For The Stupidest Reasons

6. Superman: The Movie - Time Travelling Round The World

Superman The Movie Christopher Reeve
Warner Bros. Pictures

At the end of Superman: The Movie Lois Lane dies. To correct this Superman flies around the world really fast, which somehow allows him to go back in time and save her (there's no definitive understanding of the how - it seems to suggest he's actually altering Earth's rotation). It's pretty dumb, even if you suspend your disbelief to the suitable level, and as such all too often overshadows the rest of the movie.

Which is a real shame because, that flub aside, it's a pretty damn definitive take on the Silver Age Man of Steel; his origin is told in a carefully paced, focused manner that hits all the required beats in all the right way (there's even room for some product placement), and Christopher Reeve just owns both sides of Kal-El's personality.

There's a lot of ridiculous stuff in each of these movies, but the first is the one that pitches it mostly right, and really deserves praise for that, not derision for its Shark Spray moment (although that's not even dumb in Adam West's Batman).

Interestingly, the time travel ending was originally intended to come in Superman II, where rewriting events has a wider impact and feels a little (if only a little) more suitable.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.