10 Movies Everyone Remembers For The Stupidest Reasons

5. Poltergeist - The Director Credit Controversy

Superman The Movie Christopher Reeve
MGM/UA Entertainment Co.

There's nothing more exciting in behind-the-scenes trivia than a "who really directed this?" scandal. Kevins Costner and Reynolds have each been accused of working heavily on the others' film (Dances With Wolves and Waterworld respectively), George Lucas' tight grip on Return Of The Jedi puts Richard Marquand's involvement up to debate, although the biggest and most hotly debated of the lot is Poltergeist.

The named director was Texas Chain Saw Massacre's Tobe Hooper, but there's a whole host of evidence - both anecdotal and supposition - that points towards Steven Spielberg taking his "producer" role to the extreme, reducing Hooper, who never quite matched his debut turn, to a figurehead, a trick possibly done because of Spielberg's rammed schedule at the time.

If this is true, however, it's worked negatively for the film's reputation in the long-term. It's not as revered as any of Spielberg's films from the same time, and the controversy tends to overshadow much of the skin-pulling horror; if you Google "Poltergeist Tobe Hooper", the first three results (before the respective Wikipedia pages, even) are all questioning who really made the film.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.