10 Movies Everyone Skips In A Franchise

7. The Predator

A Good Day to Die Hard

Now to be clear, we're not counting the Alien vs. Predator movies among the Predator franchise, but even if we were, they'd still be more tolerable to sit through than Shane Black's flabbergastingly disappointing dud The Predator.

Greenlit by Fox as a strangely cynical attempt to reinvent the sci-fi action IP as a more mainstream-skewing blockbuster franchise, The Predator is a car crash of limp action, deeply inane plotting, and strangely off-key dialogue from the usually reliable Black.

It's no secret that the production was less-than-smooth - with the bulk of the third act being reshot late in the day - but The Predator's worst crime is that, despite featuring a subplot in which the Predators literally want to weaponise autism, it's thunderously boring.

The great beauty of the Predator franchise is that every movie feels different, but The Predator is the only instance where this isn't a good or even remotely interesting thing. 


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.