10 Movies Everyone Skips In A Franchise
6. Terminator Genisys

After the incredible first two Terminator movies, the rest of the franchise is a rollercoaster ride of quality, ranging from "pretty OK" to downright terrible. The downright terrible being 2015's fifth film, Terminator Genisys.
Though Terminator 3 was a decent action flick but a mediocre Terminator movie, Terminator Salvation was a wildly mixed bag, and Terminator: Dark Fate made some sacrilegious creative choices, each still did enough to be at least basically compelling.
Genisys, though, marked a clunky attempt to soft-reboot the franchise with the woefully miscast Emilia Clarke now playing Sarah Connor, while Jai Courtney fares little better as Kyle Reese. The script is a headache-inducing avalanche of memberberry-infused fan service, the action sequences are thoroughly naff, and the film's big twist - that John Connor (Jason Clarke) is now a villain - falls painfully flat.
Arnold Schwarzenegger certainly acquits himself well enough once again, but even his eminent fan appeal isn't enough to put yourself through this dreck. Just awful.