10 Movies Everyone Skips In A Franchise

6. Terminator Genisys

A Good Day to Die Hard

After the incredible first two Terminator movies, the rest of the franchise is a rollercoaster ride of quality, ranging from "pretty OK" to downright terrible. The downright terrible being 2015's fifth film, Terminator Genisys.

Though Terminator 3 was a decent action flick but a mediocre Terminator movie, Terminator Salvation was a wildly mixed bag, and Terminator: Dark Fate made some sacrilegious creative choices, each still did enough to be at least basically compelling.

Genisys, though, marked a clunky attempt to soft-reboot the franchise with the woefully miscast Emilia Clarke now playing Sarah Connor, while Jai Courtney fares little better as Kyle Reese. The script is a headache-inducing avalanche of memberberry-infused fan service, the action sequences are thoroughly naff, and the film's big twist - that John Connor (Jason Clarke) is now a villain - falls painfully flat.

Arnold Schwarzenegger certainly acquits himself well enough once again, but even his eminent fan appeal isn't enough to put yourself through this dreck. Just awful.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.