10 Movies Everyone Skips In A Franchise

3. Jason Bourne

A Good Day to Die Hard

It really felt like the Bourne franchise was tied off in a neat bow at the end of the third movie, The Bourne Ultimatum, but if we're being honest, even the Jeremy Renner-starring spin-off, The Bourne Legacy, was a totally watchable side-story.

However, 2016's belated Ultimatum sequel, Jason Bourne, really just feels like a film that nobody could be bothered to make, beyond the obvious financial incentive of course. Matt Damon seems tired, Paul Greengrass' direction is slack compared to usual, the script is contrived and silly, and Alicia Vikander is blatantly miscast as the female lead. And this is all without getting into the wildly unpopular decision to kill off one of the franchise's fan-favourite characters early on. 

Jason Bourne is a bafflingly forgettable, even generic follow-up to three great Matt Damon-starring entries, and one pretty-good spin-off. The enthusiasm to revisit this one is basically non-existent among the fandom - it's clearly a movie you only "need" to watch once, if even that. 


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.