10 Movies Everyone Skips In A Franchise

4. Pitch Perfect 3

A Good Day to Die Hard

Given the consistency of the first two Pitch Perfect movies, which largely clung to a simple but charming musical-comedy formula, there was no reason to expect any different from the third. But Pitch Perfect 3 screenwriters Kay Cannon and Mike White evidently wanted to try something new, by unexpectedly pivoting the threequel into a spy movie parody later on, as Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson) stands off against her criminal father (John Lithgow).

It's a head-scratching creative choice that categorically doesn't work, and even the meat-and-potatoes musical elements feel like a damp echo of the series' prior efforts - almost as if the filmmakers had lost interest in the franchise's very conceit by this point.

The cast still try their damnedest to elevate it all, but Pitch Perfect 3 is nowhere near as funny, peppy, or catchy as its two predecessors, enough that you're better off just stopping after number two.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.