10 Movies Everyone Wanted To Love (But Nobody Did)

7. Elysium

Anchorman 2
TriStar Pictures

After District 9 - a rare sci-fi film to receive a Best Picture nomination - hype was through the damn stratosphere for Neill Blomkamp's next sci-fi action flick, Elysium.

Yet despite touting a tantalising premise, superb visual effects, and a game Matt Damon, Elysium fell far short of Blomkamp's mesmerising debut.

Though never less than entertaining - except perhaps for whatever the hell Jodie Foster was attempting with that accent - as a thinking man's action film its critiques of class warfare and American healthcare just felt too on-the-nose and broad-minded compared to District 9's inspired apartheid allegory.

There's never any doubt where the story is going, the characters are uninteresting archetypes, the world-building is weirdly underwhelming, and it's full of dramatic cliches.

It's still pretty as hell, touts some fun action, and Sharlto Copley's manic performance is a giddy delight, but Elysium ultimately provided a depressingly early indication that Blomkamp might sadly be a one-hit wonder.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.