10 Movies Everyone Wanted To Love (But Nobody Did)

6. Scream 3

Anchorman 2
Dimension Films

Scream 3 was heavily hyped up as the hotly anticipated finale to Wes Craven's meta slasher trilogy, and after two great movies it seemed like Craven would nail the three-peat.

Yet with series writer Kevin Williamson unable to return, Scream 3 ended up lacking the razor-sharp wit and genre literacy of the first two films.

As playful and potential-rich as shifting the setting to Hollywood was, and as much as everyone loves Parker Posey in the role of Gale's (Courteney Cox) Stab equivalent Jennifer Jolie, Scream 3 eventually succumbs to many of the tropes the franchise was initially sending up.

With a wildly convoluted villain reveal that includes a dispiriting retcon of the series' lore, and a number of surreal sequences that fall tragically flat, Scream 3 can't hold a candle to what came before.

Granted, it's gotten a little better with age due to how ahead of the curve it was in calling out sexual abuse in Weinstein-era Hollywood, but it's still a dog's dinner of a movie that feels relatively limp as a conclusion to a three-movie arc.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.