8. Fletch
In the 1980s, Fletch had a brief two-film run with Chevy Chase as its inimitable lead star, but in the interceding decades, every attempt to get the franchise back on firm footing just hadn't panned out. Kevin Smith famously tried to get an adaptation of the book Fletch Won made, starring his frequent collaborator Jason Lee, but the studio's general lack of faith in Lee's box office soon enough put the damper on that (they clearly haven't seen the terrible but fiscally successful Chipmunks films, then). The last we heard, the studio wanted Scrubs star Zach Braff to fill the shoes of Chase's role, though apparently this didn't go down too favourably with Smith - even if we think it's a pretty great casting choice - because he ended up bailing out of the project. Scrubs creator took over briefly, before the project was handed to Hot Tub Time Machine director Steve Pink, and we've heard nothing since. Given the acclaim Chase's films had at the time, this would seem like a no-brainer to give a reboot, perhaps in the style of 21 Jump Street; update it to a contemporary style and tone, but nod back to the original product.