10 Movies From 2017 That Deserve Razzie Awards (But Weren't Nominated)

5. Resident Evil: The Final Chapter

Josh Trank Fantastic Four
Screen Gems

It’s hard to fathom why the Razzies would nominate Johnny Depp “and his worn out drunk routine” when Resident Evil: The Final Chapter offers us something even more tedious – Milla Jovovich killing zombies for the sixth time in fifteen years.

Then again, Final Chapter tanked at the US box office (it made the bulk of its money overseas) while POTC 5 made $172 million so you can draw your own conclusions. Mounted on the lowest budget since the 2002 original, Final Chapter can’t compete with its predecessors so instead rattles off a few blah, over-edited sequences that wouldn’t look out of place in a 1980s Mad Max rip-off.

Nobody’s trying too hard this time around and a sense of contractual obligation hangs over the whole enterprise from the lack of stakes to the surprising ease with which Jovovich gains access to the antivirus that destroys organisms infected by the T-virus. If the solution was so simple, how come it took five sequels to arrive there?


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'