10 Movies From The 90s That Should Be Remade

4. Swing Kids

If anything, a remake would bring attention to this masterpiece, which has so constantly been overlooked that it's absolutely disgusting. The film follows a group of friends who grow up in Nazi Germany who listen to American swing music and moonlight as swing dancers in a country where the activities are considered illicit. It featured two powerful performances from young Christian Bale (fresh out of Newsies) and the incredible Robert Sean Leonard (recovering from all the praise in Dead Poets Society). It's a movie I'd like to give to the likes of Marc Forster (Finding Neverland, Stranger Than Fiction) with Andrew Garfield and Daniel Radcliffe in the leads.
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Cameron Carpenter is an aspiring screenwriter, current film and journalism student, and self-diagnosed cinephile, which only sounds bad in certain circles. Devoted fan of comics, movies, theater, Jesus Christ, Sidney Lumet, and Peter O'Toole, he sometimes spends too much time on his Scribd and comicbookmovie.com, but doesn't think you're one to judge, devoted reader. You can follow him on Twitter to watch him talk to people you didn't know exist. Oh, and Daredevil is quite the big deal around here (my head).