10 Movies In Dire Need Of A Director's Commentary

3. Pulp Fiction - Quentin Tarantino

Pulp Fiction is another film that gets analyzed quite a bit by movie buffs and academics, but it still hasn't been graced with a simple director's commentary from Quentin Tarantino. I find this fascinating because Tarantino is such a film geek and such a cool dude that it's really weird that he never offered his thoughts. I mean, seriously, of all the movies he's done, this seems to be the one that he's really known for. Both he, and this movie, are the epitome of cool. So this baffles the crap out of me. The DVD of Pulp Fiction (the one that I own anyways) does have a text commentary, much like The Abyss. But having a real audio commentary from Tarantino would just make things more personable. Just his voice over the movie alone would bring things up a notch, since the guy talks a mile-a-minute and generally has a jovial, cheery way of speaking. Perfectly suited for the film.
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What KC Mobley lacks in height, he makes up for in sheer passion. Especially when it comes to films and 80's heavy metal. Don't be afraid, he doesn't bite...much.