10 Movies In Dire Need Of A Director's Commentary

4. Taxi Driver - Martin Scorsese

Awkward Moments In Film - Taxi Driver I'm debating this one in my mind a little bit. Mostly because as much of a great film as Taxi Driver is, and as brilliantly directed as it is by Martin Scorsese, its not hard to find interviews by Scorsese discussing the film in depth. And I know I could probably say that for all of the films on this list, but Taxi Driver really gets talked about at length. That being said, I still don't think any of us would mind an audio commentary from Scorsese. I mean, the man captured Travis Bickle's loneliness and eventual downward spiral into craziness so well that a commentary would really feel like a masterclass in filmmaking, and not just a director talking about amusing little anecdotes from days working on the film set. Plus, Taxi Driver is one of the more unique films in Scorsese's filmography. It's not his typical gangster/tough-guy fare. Not that Travis Bickle doesn't try to be a tough guy, but the film is much deeper than that. So yes, despite what I said in the first paragraph, a commentary is welcome.
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What KC Mobley lacks in height, he makes up for in sheer passion. Especially when it comes to films and 80's heavy metal. Don't be afraid, he doesn't bite...much.