10 Movies In The IMDb Bottom 100 Actually Worth Watching

6. Theodore Rex (#87)

Theodore Rex is the defining symbol of everything wrong with the '90s, because only a decade that gave the world its worst decade of fashion and things like backward caps could result in something as totally and utterly misjudged as this movie. It looks dated now, but it's hard to imagine how Theodore Rex - with its plot that teams Whoppi Goldberg with a talking dinosaur - didn't feel dated when it landed in 1995. What the f*ck is this movie, and how on God's good Earth did it ever find itself fully rendered? Of course, any motion picture featuring two detectives embodied by Goldberg and the talking dinosaur of the title has to be seen to be believed. It falls relentlessly flat, and yet - like the best train crash, only this time there are, like, fifty trains crashing at once - it is difficult to look away from the carnage that unfolds before you. Also: it cost $33.5 million dollars to produce. As a relic of a bygone era, you must seek it out. Because it actually exists, you must seek it out. Because it is the only movie Whoopi Goldberg ever regrets doing, you must seek it out.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.