10 Movies In The IMDb Bottom 100 Actually Worth Watching

7. Battlefield Earth (#89)

John Travolta's attempts to get movie-goers interested in the theories behind the "religion" of Scientology via a sprawling sci-fi blockbuster went exactly as you'd imagine it might: f*cking awfully. So Battlefield Earth is absolutely, unbelievably ill-judged in its badness, and it was totally short-sighted on Travolta's part to commit to something like this. Even Tom Cruise, super Scientologist, would never betray his filmography to something like this. Never, ever. But Battlefield Earth needs to be viewed as means of proof: it is proof that L. Ron Hubbard was a deranged crackpot and that everything he ever proposed is ridiculous. The novel on which this was based was intended as a work of "fiction,"of course, but there are major links between the book and Scientology apparent throughout - all of which are totally mental. Travolta plays a blue alien that appears to be a cross between a caveman and a Klingon, only sh*tter; as a result, to set your gaze upon Battlefield Earth for even a short while is to easily convince yourself to steer clear from the writings of L. Ron Hubbard until the day you die. For that reason alone, it's worth marvelling at this disastrous blunder for two painful hours. Also, viewed as a straight-out comedy, it's actually kind of hilarious.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.