10 Movies In The IMDb Bottom 100 Actually Worth Watching

4. Titanic: The Legend Goes On (2000)

The greatest thing about the majority of the movies listed here comes in pondering how they actually got as far as production; Titantic: The Legend Goes On is one movie that pretty much defines that process of deconstruction, because - seriously - how did this thing find a means of existence as late as the year 2000, at the dawn of the new millennium? It is, after all, an animated re-telling of the infamous ship-based tragedy - but wait! There's a rapping dog on board, so that's a different take on the story, isn't it? No joke: a rapping dog serves as one of the main characters in this so desperate to be hip catastrophe that really does need to be seen to be believed. Aside from encompassing one of the worst animation styles since your kid brother drew on a napkin with a crayon on a whim, the plot makes zero sense, nor do any of the musical numbers, which are free of context. "It's Party Time" is pretty much the crowning achievement in this regard - a "rap" song so bad and so pointless that it literally forces you into a state of stunned silence. Titantic? Rapping dog? If you're yet to be solved on this film, what's wrong with you?

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.