10 Movies In The IMDb Bottom 100 Actually Worth Watching

3. House Of The Dead (#23)

Uwe Boll is often considered to be the worst director of all-time, and with one glance at his filmography it's not hard to see why: absolute stinkers such as Blubberella, Postal, Far Cry, Alone in the Dark, BloodRayne are some of the most plainly terrible movies ever filmed. And whilst House of the Dead - based on the video game of the same name, except not at all, because it shares absolutely nothing in common with the popular franchise - is really, really bad (like, really bad), it also happens to serve as the perfect movie to watch with a bunch of friends, a pizza and a crate of beers (make it a large one, though). How, and why, you wonder? Simply put: House of the Dead is that bad kind of movie that constantly forces you to ask questions like: "Why is this happening? and "What was the point of that?" alongside statements such as "That makes absolutely no sense" and "This is the worst thing my eyes have ever seen." All that, and yet - unlike Boll's other misfires - there's too much to question for it to be actually boring. It's a seriously terrible zombie movie, but in the best possible way.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.