10 Movies It's Impossible To Finish Without Crying

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Yeah, that's right. An Adam Sandler movie made me cry. And a lot of other people too! Of course, the majority of the film is some so-so wish fulfillment claptrap, a kind of 21st Century It's a Wonderful Life where workaholic dad Michael (Sandler) gets a magical remote control from eccentric inventor Christopher Walken that lets him pause, fast forward and rewind his life. Except Walken isn't exactly who he seems to be, and the remote soon malfunctions sending Sandler speeding through his own life, slowly ruining all of the relationships in his life as his body goes on auto-pilot work mode. Eventually, Michael finds himself an old man, with his wife remarried, his daughter considering him less of a father than her stepdad, and his estranged son Ben going down all the wrong workaholic paths he trod, literally about to sack off his new wife's honeymoon to go and close a business deal instead.
Michael, now so ill that he's in the hospital, tears himself out of the bed and chases his departing son into the deluge outside, attempting to stop him before he gets in a cab to his business meeting. The whole sequence is completely harrowing as he screams after his son, voice hoarse, until he collapses in the street. Ben finally notices him and the family come rushing over, as Michael dies in the street, telling his son that "family comes first". Throw in the reveal of the love note/napkin he kept from his first date with his (ex-)wife, and you're just utterly done. You'd have to be a T-100 to not feel something, no matter your opinion of Adam Sandler or predilection to overly-saccharine family comedies.
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Cinephile since 1993, aged 4, when he saw his very first film in the cinema - Jurassic Park - which is also evidence of damn fine parenting. World champion at Six Degrees of Separation. Lender of DVDs to cheap mates. Connoisseur of Marvel Comics and its Cinematic Universe.