10 Movies Killed By God-Awful Trailers

6. Hellboy

The Mummy Trailer

Comic readers were heartbroken when Guillermo Del Toro's Hellboy franchise was scrapped and rebooted, with David Harbour taking over the titular role from Ron Perlman.

But fans of the Dark Horse Comics' antihero wanted to give this reboot a fair shot. Not only did it have a great cast, Neil Marshall seemed like the perfect director to helm the project, due to his knack for balancing horror and tongue-in-cheek comedy.

Unfortunately, when viewers watched the trailer and saw the first joke fall flat, they knew something was very, very wrong. Even though Harbour can be hilarious in Stranger Things, none of his banter and gags work here, since everything he says and does come across as forced.

Sadly, all this trailer did was make viewers wish Ron Perlman was still in the role. Perlman's comic timing was so impeccably deadpan, he could make the cheesiest line work perfectly.

Although comic fans wanted to like it, no one was won by this trailer. To the surprise of no one, 2019's Hellboy was the least successful instalment in the franchise, destroying any chance of a sequel.


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