10 Movies Killed By God-Awful Trailers

5. Terminator Salvation + Terminator Genisys

The Mummy Trailer
Paramount Pictures

The Terminator franchise has never been good at keeping a lid on key plot points. Despite the fact it would've been amazing to learn Arnold Schwarzenegger's character was the hero of Terminator 2: Judgment Day while watching the movie, the promos flat-out told you he was the good guy.

Instead of learning from one's mistakes, the promotions for the sequels continued to divulge every plot twist. Every commercial for Terminator: Salvation reminded viewers that Sam Worthington's character was a secret Terminator.

Terminator: Genisys may have been the nadir of the series but turning humanity's saviour, John Connor, into a Terminator was a great idea. At least, it WOULD have been if the trailers didn't spoil it.

Even the biggest fans of James Cameron's creation didn't bother checking out these instalments because they knew the films contained no surprises.

Do you know what was the most powerful moment in the franchise post-Terminator 2? John Connor failing to stop judgment day in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines. Do you know why that moment was so impactful? Because the trailers didn't tell us it was going to happen!!

If the trailers for Salvation and Genisys were more coy, they would've been received better.


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