10 Movies That Were Pretty Much Just Video Games

4. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Peter Jackson kept the CGI to a minimum for the most part in the LOTR trilogy, opting instead for large casts and the use of miniatures where possible. The first installment in his Hobbit trilogy set the tone for 3 special effects orgies. The sequence in the goblin cave is what earned this film its honorary title of video game, however - the part where they were running along the scaffolds looked like it belonged in a platformer, not a fantasy epic. I'm yet to see The Desolation of Smaug, but from what I've heard it's more of the same thing (there's a sequence in particular, which takes place on a river and involves various dwarves in barrels, that appears to have been plucked right out of a Crash Bandicoot game or something). And with the final installment in the trilogy coming at the end of the year... well, who knows: maybe this could go on to become the most profitable video game trilogy in history?

Lifelong wrestling fan and film buff who consumes far too much caffeine. Currently working on a comic book and learning how to cook the perfect fried egg. Both of which are an ongoing process.