10 Movies That Were Pretty Much Just Video Games

2. Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Now here is a film that was actually intended to look like a video game. I never said this list was strictly compiled of films that were unintentionally video game-like, did I? The whole film is one giant homage to retro gaming and as someone who was raised on systems like the SNES and the Sega Saturn, I really appreciate that a director took the time to ensure that this came out respectably. The plot concerns a kid named Scott who has to defeat a girl's 7 evil exes to win her affection. Sounds just like the plot to a video game, no? All of the fight scenes are ludicrously hyperbolic and over-the-top, with points flashing up on the screen and arcade sound effects ringing out at every turn. Seeing as the majority of video game film adaptations are vomit-inducingly bad, it's refreshing to see a video game film that isn't a video game film that is better than most video game films (you get all that?).

Lifelong wrestling fan and film buff who consumes far too much caffeine. Currently working on a comic book and learning how to cook the perfect fried egg. Both of which are an ongoing process.