10 Movies Rated Fresh On Rotten Tomatoes That Would Be Rotten If Released Today

1. Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

Spider Man Rotten Tomatoes
Paramount Pictures

Indy 4 is regarded by some (myself included) as a bigger disappointment than the Star Wars prequels, but that isn't represented in its 77% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which puts it less than ten points below Temple Of Doom.

Why it's not just a let-down, but pretty damn bad, is well documented; for all the harping about 1950s B-Movies, it's really just a retread of Raiders that creaks under its star's age, something that can't be patched up with unconvincing, dominant CGI. Also aliens. F*cking aliens. How could any self-respecting Spielberg fan actually like this?

What you have to remember is that this was almost ten years ago, and back then nostalgia culture was in its infancy; we'd had Star Wars come back, but Hollywood was yet to really start their all out assault on the childhoods of Gen X-ers. As such, there was a decreased cynicism about late-in-the-day follow ups and the "it's good to be reunited" charm was still rather pure.

Glimpsed through eyes weary with leagcyquels, Crystal Skull loses its charm, and all that's left is a pale imitation of the original. Expect the standards Indiana Jones 5 is held to to be a lot higher.

Do you think any of these movies would still be rated Fresh if released today? What other "classics" would be modern day rotters? Have your say down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.