10 Movies Rated Fresh On Rotten Tomatoes That Would Be Rotten If Released Today

2. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Spider Man Rotten Tomatoes
Warner Bros. Pictures

Surprisingly, The Hobbit never slipped into Rotten territory. This is likely because each movie wound introducing new problems, so it was actually pretty consistent in terms of overall quality, meaning it took a while for the weight of the disappointment to really sink in. What really helped keep it in the red, however, was the protection of being a purposely curated three-parter; any problems with the first two instalments could be immediately countered with the promise of greater depth and solutions in the later films.

However, this misses that no such assurance was needed to get audiences on board with The Lord Of The Rings; those movies were classics on first viewing thanks to their offering of a complete experience within the wider narrative.

If things were viewed in a less trusting light (and, to be honest, given how much that promise dominated the early movies' reviews, they actually need a reassessment), then you can bet they'd wind up looking a bit more Rotten (like the CGI - zing) and this is especially true of An Unexpected Journey, a movie that takes an age to get going and when it does is aimless vignettes (yes, that's what the book is, but adaptations should tailor themselves to the medium at hand).


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.