10 Movies Rated Fresh On Rotten Tomatoes That Would Be Rotten If Released Today

7. Jurassic World

Spider Man Rotten Tomatoes
Universal Pictures

Yes, I'm including a movie that came out just a year ago, and one that has a nice buffer of 12% between it and a rotten score. Why? Because how blockbuster movies are reviewed has changed that much in the space of twelve months.

I didn't mind Jurassic World - I stand by immediate assessment it's the franchise's least awful sequel - but viewed from a 2016 perspective it'd be unlikely to be as well received (critically at least). Back then, legacy-quels still felt like a novelty, and we could unashamedly bask in nostalgia. Now we're overloaded with late-in-the-day sequels doubling up as remakes that to support any movie that remotely flirts with the idea requires mounting a serious defence.

It's not as reprehensible as some of films we've seen this year - Independence Day: Resurgence is the worst of a very bad bunch - but there's a real overtness to World being a retread and, as many pointed out at the time, its owning up does nothing to temper the cynicism.

With a more in tune critical body, I wouldn't be surprised if some of those three star ratings became two and that ripe tomato a splat.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.