10 Movies Rated Fresh On Rotten Tomatoes That Would Be Rotten If Released Today

5. Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones

Spider Man Rotten Tomatoes

Is it fair to include two movies from the same franchise on this list? I'm going to say yes, because the actual logic behind why both Episodes I and II would be Rotten if released today is really rather distinct.

I would say Attack Of The Clones is a worse movie than The Phantom Menace (both are ultimately average, but we're talking on a scale here), mainly because of its focus on a totally uninvolving love story and allowing an overconfidence in CGI effects to dominate any visual or action decision. But in the face of three years of mounting distaste for The Phantom Menace pushing the movie really down in people's expectations, Clones' was all but guaranteed to be more warmly received by comparison. After all, people really wanted the prequels to be great.

And that constant upbeat-ness just doesn't exist nowadays. Some will gives movies the benefit of the doubt, but the "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me" rule presides over Hollywood, and is seen in how multi-movie reboots rarely pull themselves back from an iffy first film.

Rounding off the trilogy, Revenge Of The Sith, however, is a much stronger movie, so while its 79% rating is a little OTT, it'd be unfair to say it should drop too far.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.