10 Movies Rated Fresh On Rotten Tomatoes That Would Be Rotten If Released Today

4. Batman Returns

Spider Man Rotten Tomatoes
Warner Bros. Pictures

In the interest of stopping this article being a endless run of "weren't we dumb?", I'm going to pick one movie I think is really good, but whose intrinsic elements wouldn't see it welcomed at all today: Batman Returns, the best pre-Nolan Batman and the most suitable application of Tim Burton's cartoon-y gothic style.

The film has strong critical appraisal, despite an audience backlash to its darker tone, but from a modern perspective it's that style that'd be the problem. People are sick of Burton now, so anything so imbued with his distinct filmmaking approach would take a right grubbing, especially given how this really ups the soundstage element of it all. Although that's nothing on how it takes the comic book inspiration.

Can you imagine Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman or Danny DeVito's Penguin being greeted with anything other than universal derision in the current superhero landscape? Like how Adam West's Batman was taken far too literally in reaction to 1989's new, dark Batman, the style of Burton's films is now far too readily dismissed as silly and of the time, missing the non-naturalistic intentions. And that's just something that people don't have time for nowadays.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.