10 Movies Ruined By Creepy CGI

4. A Christmas Carol

Cats movie

Robert Zemeckis strikes again, this time with his ambitious attempt to update Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol for the age of Avatar.

And while it's fair to say that a certain ghoulishness isn't unacceptable in an adaptation of Dickens' novel - it is a ghost story, after all - the film ultimately tumbles helplessly into the uncanny valley due to the not-quite-believable-enough motion capture tech.

Jim Carrey unquestionably gives a game quartet of performances as Scrooge and the three ghosts, but just as with The Polar Express, the motion capture gimmickry robs the film of much of its soul and emotion, because the tech just isn't able to capture the subtler aspects of human expression.

And so, the characters both human and spectral look ever so slightly off to the point where it's disconcerting in all the wrong ways. As a result, the charm of Dickens' source material ended up lost in the machinery of a VFX-driven simulation.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.