10 Movies Ruined By Creepy CGI

2. Mars Needs Moms

Cats movie

If you don't remember Mars Needs Moms, don't feel bad: the Robert Zemeckis-produced animation came and went in a flash in 2011, exiting the minds of the few who bothered to watch it shortly after the end credits rolled.

In fact, the single memorable thing about this $150 million box office dud is how roundly it was pilloried by critics for its attempt to feature "realistic" human characters.

Though the effort was certainly a major step up from Zemeckis' prior efforts, the characters still didn't manage to successfully vault over the uncanny valley, making one wonder why the movie wasn't just a hybrid of live-action and animation instead.

The art direction and general visual fidelity of the movie has aged rather well, but releasing in the shadow of James Cameron's Avatar as it did, its attempts to depict tangible life in animated form fell creepily short of the mark.

These aren't human beings - they're rubbed-faced pod people.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.