10 Movies Ruined By Studio Interference

6. The Hunger Games

Put aside the "It's Battle Royle with cheese" quips for a minute, and remember that even if it seems like a watered down version of Kinji Fukasaku's Japanese cult classic, the source material for last year's smash hit The Hunger Games was a lot more brutal than the end product we got. Lionsgate, however, seeing the potential to make an absolute killing (pun intended), decided to take the story about children murdering each other in a vicious game and make it PG-13/12A. The British cut of the film was originally to be certified a 15, but Lionsgate opted to cut 7 seconds of blood splashes to get it down to a 12A. Unfortunately, 7 miserable missing seconds isn't where this ends. The inherent production of the film itself ruins it; director Gary Ross, in order to shy away from the unavoidable brutality of the narrative, has to shoot action scenes with unbearable "shaky cam", such that during a brawl, it's difficult to work out what the Hell is going on. The result? Action scenes that are headache-inducing and frustrating to watch rather than exciting.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.