2. Alien 3

If you need anymore proof that 20th Century Fox is full of poisonous shills who simply want to stifle creativity, look no further than the disastrous production history of Alien 3. While the film is hardly any good, it's amazing that David Fincher didn't make more of a mess of it, given the horrid conditions he and everyone else who tried to work on it had to endure. Fox managed to scare away Renny Harlin and Vincent Ward with their controlling antics, trying to force Sigourney Weaver on them, before deciding to work with Fincher, believing that his limited experience would make him easy to control. Fincher bit back, though, filming scenes that Fox demanded he couldn't, though Fox ended up locking him out of the editing room and holding deliberately awful test screenings to justify editing the film the way they wanted. Oh, and the documentary about all this had to be edited down before it could be included on the Alien Quadrilogy DVD. Madness.