10 Movies Ruined In Their Final Shot

9. Paranormal Activity

Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban

Paranormal Activity is one of the most creative found footage horror films ever made - a patient, slow-burn suspense flick that's powered less by what you see than what you, the viewer, can conjure up with your own imagination.

Director Oren Peli makes shrewd use of his mere $15,000 budget, turning the audience's own mind against them by largely only implying the dangerous supernatural presence residing in Katie (Katie Featherston) and Micah's (Micah Sloat) home.

But once the film ended up in the hands of Paramount Pictures, they decided to shoot a new ending which more decisively set up a potential franchise.

With the camera locked off in the couple's bedroom, Micah goes downstairs to investigate Katie's scream, only to end up screaming in pain himself. After a beat, Micah's body is thrown towards the camera, sending it crashing to the floor as a possessed Katie appears in the doorway.

Katie then crawls towards the camera, her face takes on a demonic appearance, and she lunges towards the camera.

Beyond the terrible CGI used to morph Katie's face into something demon-like, it's such a lame, lazy sequel-bait ending for a movie that was otherwise doing so much right.

Ending the film with Micah being thrown at the camera and abruptly cutting to black would've been far more fitting, or better yet just sticking with Peli's original ending where Katie is accidentally shot by police who show up to check on the couple.

Instead we got this money-grabbing ending that teed up a series of sequels, none of which have lived up to the original film - until it bungled it all with that goofy, cynical ending, at least.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.