10 Movies You Shouldn’t Claim Are Your Favourite On A First Date
6. Rapeman (1993)
For whatever reason, you or the person you are going on a date with, may want to show off their cinematic knowledge by claiming their favourite movie is an underground foreign film. While it may come across as a bit snobby, there are plenty of artsy foreign films you could choose from, but never, ever say your favourite movie is Rapeman. Rapeman is just as bad and offensive as it sounds. Its based off a Japanese manga which follows the adventures of Keisuke Uasake, who is a high school teacher by day, but at night he dons a leather mask in the shape of a penis head and becomes the Rapeman. And the Rapeman does exactly what his name implies; he dishes out justice by raping women as painfully as possible. No matter how someone justifies their love of this movie, like saying its a dark satire or that a woman wrote the manga, chances are that mentioning it on a date could destroy any goodwill you've created prior to that. And if your date says this is their favourite movie, feel free to say your favourite movie is Rapeman? in a voice loud enough that anyone in the area can hear and storm out.