10 Movies So Predictable Everyone Thought They Were Tricking Us

9. Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers Infinity War Thanos
Marvel Studios

Avengers: Infinity War is a textbook example of filmmakers simply giving the audience what they want and what best fits the narrative, no matter that it was the most obvious route possible.

With Infinity War effectively being the first part of a two-film saga, pretty much everyone predicted the film to end with Thanos (Josh Brolin) snapping his Infinity Gauntlet-clad fingers, concluding the film on a grim cliffhanger ensuring fans would eagerly anticipate the sequel.

And that's exactly what happened.

Sure, the film did have a few sneaky surprises - namely the re-appearance of Red Skull (Ross Marquand), the death of Gamora (Zoe Saldana) and that glorious group trailer shot being missing from the actual movie - but given how even Infinity War's marketing played-up the devastation of Thanos snapping his fingers, it's surprising how it happened without any subversion whatsoever.

The MCU and the Russo brothers' movies in particular have relished toying with audience expectations, namely keeping Cap (Chris Evans) alive several times when he seems destined for the grave, but they knew better than to jerk fans around here for the sake of a surprise.

This was the right time for the snap, and it clearly didn't matter that everyone was expecting it.

Amusingly, writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely did consider saving the snap for Endgame's first act, but given how everything turned out, they absolutely made the right call.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.