10 Movies So Predictable Everyone Thought They Were Tricking Us

8. Spectre

Spectre Daniel Craig James Bond
Columbia Pictures/MGM

And now for a different kind of predictable movie - one that proved utterly deflating in how easily fans figured it out.

Between the totally-not-obvious casting of Christoph Waltz as "Franz Oberhauser" who of course turned out to be Blofeld, and the film's first teaser trailer making it blatantly clear that 007 (Daniel Craig) had a secret brother, it was hilariously easy to see where things were going.

Despite Waltz insisting pre-release that he wouldn't be playing Blofeld, he of course was, and despite all the usual globe-trotting super-spy shenanigans, the spine of Spectre's story turned out the wrong kind of predictable.

Fans quite understandably assumed that Blofeld would have a more compelling motive against Bond than simply daddy issues, but they were clearly giving the script too much credit, because that's ultimately all it boiled down to. Yawn.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.