10 Movies That Have Special Editions Worse Than Star Wars

3. The Matrix: Remastered

There's plenty of versions of The Matrix, with the high levels of violence in a sci-fi flick with broad appeal leading to Warner Bros. cutting out certain moments of violence to get a more profitable certification in various international territories. Those aren't the only alternate versions of the Wachowski's beloved movie out there, however. The Matrix on DVD was a massive success, the wave of praise that accompanied the film pre-sequels leading to everybody wanting to experience the visually astounding movie again. And if you got the then-impressive DVD print initially then that's what you got; a visually astounding movie. If you waited and got a copy after 2004, when The Ultimate Matrix Collection was released, then you probably got version of the film with remastered visuals. Deciphering the marketing speak, that essentially means it looks worse. In an attempt to have the first film more visually in tune with its higher budgeted sequels the image was altered, with the world inside the Matrix having a stronger green hue and the real world much more blue. If that sounds trivial, consider that much of the original success of the film comes from its pseudo-philosophy prompting discussions about the reality of our own world; with everything much less real it makes the world a lot less relatable. Also, why would you want to associate anything with the train-wrecks of Reloaded and Revolutions?
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The Matrix
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.