10 Movies That Have Special Editions Worse Than Star Wars

2. The Lion King

If Beauty And The Beast's Special Edition cheapened the film with Human Again, at least there you could defend it as trying to give the fans something interesting and new. What Disney has done to The Lion King since its initial release twenty years ago is a different matter. What, you didn't know The Lion King had any special editions? That's because Disney have kept the bastardisation of what is unequivocally their best film an unadvertised secret; although you wouldn't know it, the copy of the film you have on DVD or Blu-Ray is definitely not the one that you first fell in love with two decades ago. The most publicised (if using that word isn't extreme hyperbole) change was the incorporation of new song The Morning Report, which Zazu delivers gives to Mufasa after the circle of life chat, but with that the DVD gave the option to the viewer as to whether or not this could be included or not. The real damage comes from overriding visual changes made to the fabric of the film that go over most viewer's heads. The first change came with the film's IMAX rerelease (and all subsequent home video releases), which saw the crocodiles in I Just Can't Wait To Be King altered to look more cartoony than any of the other animals. It's trivial, but set the wildebeest stampeding; the Blu-Ray release back in 2011 took things a step further, with various other visual moments altered, most notably the clouds Mufasa appears in suddenly disappearing. These aren't as erroneous as some changes, but because they're the only version you can purchase this makes it a travesty akin to the Star Wars issue.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.