10 Movies Teased In Other Movies YEARS Earlier

9. A Poster For Parallel Mothers Hangs On A Wall - Broken Embraces

I Am Legend Batman V Superman
Warner Bros.

Here's a fascinatingly niche one. Pedro Almodóvar's 2009 romantic thriller Broken Embraces contains a couple of head-scratching references to a seemingly fictional film called Parallel Mothers (or, Madres Paralelas).

In one scene, a poster for Parallel Mothers is visible hanging on a wall, and in the opening minutes of the film we can also briefly see a movie script bearing the very same title.

But this year Parallel Mothers went from existing as a mere fictional movie to being a real one, with Almodóvar premiering the drama - aptly also starring Penelope Cruz - at the most recent Venice Film Festival, where it scored rave reviews.

Teasing a movie 12 years in advance sure is something, and a testament to Almodóvar's incredible commitment to actually getting the project completed. Bravo.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.